50th Anniversary of Diamond Dogs full cover album!
This album was such a huge influence on me. I discovered my love of Bowie through the connective tissue of Orwell, funk and Goth. All very clear references on the album. So I HAD to do the whole thing myself…… Listen to my version of “Big Brother” below
Download the album for “Pay What You Want” from the Bandcamp app.
Click on the picture above!
Beauty In Chaos guest yodelling
I am thrilled with this new song we did: “Kiss Me (Goodbye)”
Please tell me what you think!
HAPPY 2023!
CLICK on PIC to download new covers album “Something Borrowed”
Featuring “In Your Room” (Depeche Mode Cover) from the German Number 1 DM tribute album “Music for Constructions”
Pay What You Want
Where it all began.
For the one who can set fire to the sea.
“Less Than” NIN Cover
Originally Recorded live for “Social Distance Live”
My most recent cover for Social Distance Live was
”Numb” by the incomparable Portishead
Featuring Wayne Hussey .
This remix of the Beauty In Chaos song turns the dark rock into a vibeing Funk dancefloor killer
Find out more about Beauty In Chaos here: https://www.facebook.com/beautyinchaosmusic
featuring Ava Gore and Raf Colantonio
Weird Wolves! this remix I did won their remix competition with its 80s Goth dancefloor vibe… .
Find out more about Weird Wolves here: https://www.facebook.com/weirdwolvesmusic
Written after a night at Elysium, Austin. A lightning strike. A melting.
Written about the exit of a very crazy and very talented man. What a mess.
When your world collapses.
Just face the music and join the danse macabre.
LUPINE - A Halloween fairy tale.
Written and smitten for my Wolfe.
The Devil Knows
Including “The Ruby Rock Version” featuring
David J (Love and Rockets/Bauhaus) and
MGT (Tricky, The Mission UK, The Wonderstuff)
Video collaboration with
“NZ’s Weapon Of Mass Distraction”:
Miss Eva Strangelove
This is the video for the classic electro rock track featuring MGT and Gene Micofsky
Featuring dance by the exquisite Eva Strangelove
The “Secret” is out.
I have been busy.
So many livestreams from TARDIS Studio
This one was the ORIGINALS only show from 6th June.
This is the start of the journey. Something to give us hope!
Atmosphere by Joy Division.
Originally performed live for Social Distance Live
Album 5 year anniversary expanded edition available now.
Listen and purchase the universally acclaimed album “https://thesingularitymusic.bandcamp.com/album/404-not-found-album” now
Merchandise (Help me buy food)
You FOUND IT! Where it all began: the limited edition signed press copy of “404 Not Found”
Really the sound, feel and shape of dreams.
Emptiness Inside Limited Edition signed press release CD album of
“An Emptiness Inside”
Get a piece of musical curiosity and remember the days when we could touch the music